15 July 2010

Is anybody out there? :)

Sooo....Hello. This is my blog. I've always wanted one and have a million friends that have amazing blogs...I just never thought I'd really have anything interesting to blog about. Then a week ago, I started looking into my favorite design style, Art Deco, and the fire came alive again. You see, I am an interior designer...always wanted to be one since I was 8 and my Nanny {grandmother} showed me the movie Pillow Talk In the movie, Doris Day is a interior decorator in New York City and just fabulous. I knew at that moment 2 things:

1. I wanted to be an interior designer when I grew up and
2. I wanted to practice design in New York City!
Fast forward to 2010, I'm 29 and I've done both! I went to design school at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, graduated with a degree in Interior Design in 2004. After graduation, I moved to NYC, and spent a year practicing design in THE city. Then I moved back to Knoxville {for the love of a really good man}, practiced design for a few more years then major change occurred. I quit my design job for a sales job in the design community. While its been great, and has so many awesome benefits like meeting and hanging out with new people everyday, I miss design.
LONG story short, fast forward to today: my new blog. This blog is going to be anything and everything that I love, that inspires me, that I question and that motivates me. One of my favorite games as a child was called "eye spy with my little eye, something that is {blank}." My sister and I still play it on road trips. So for anyone that chooses to observe this blog, I hope you eye spy inspirations, things that make you laugh and things that help spark your own design ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cyndie
    I am an Upholstery Designer & Prototype Developer.
    I couldn't help reading about your favorite chair.
    Would you like to see the original version of the wingback chair/chaise?
    It is very similar to toms's but this one has a unique twist.
    It is a chesterfield wingchaise.
    Please send me your email and I will send you a few pics . I'm sure you will be delighted !

    Best Regards
